Let's get outside and get active! From May 10 - 19 (in place of our annual Walk-A-Thon fundraiser), we are encouraging students to go outside with their families and get active for at least 20 minutes a day. The PTA is suggesting that everyone should try to be active for at least 7 days during the 10 day challenge.
Log your activity on the Google Form (https://forms.gle/eWABQz2qXqoZREbd6) , or fill out the second page of the flier attached and email it to board@nimitz-pta.org by May 21, 2021. The class with the highest participation rate will win a virtual lunchtime dance party with Mrs. Pakel!
Bonus: Print out and color a dolphin (files below) and hang it up in your window. Or draw your own! Then keep an eye out for other dolphins in our Nimitz Neighborhood. How many can you find?
While this is not our typical Walk-a-thon fundraiser, you are still welcome to donate to our great school at https://www.nimitz-pta.org/direct-donation.