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Volunteers are always needed to keep Nimitz Elementary active and robust. Without you, these education and community boosting events cannot happen.


Whether you volunteer for a PTA-specific program - like Harvest Festival or Book Fair - or directly with the school - such as being room parent or field trip chaperone - your involvement makes the school better and best of all, it makes our kids better.


Studies show that parental involvement in a child's education is one of the most important factors in raising a strong academic student with high self esteem. 


We know your time is precious. Different volunteer opportunities are available to fit your schedule. Sign up now to get more information on different volunteer opportunities available by the PTA and the school that work within your needs.

Volunteer Snapshots



Serving deliciousness at Thanksgiving and Cultural Feast


Bake Sale goodies provided by Nimitz families


Logging laps during Walk-A-Thon

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